
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 03:24:25
At no time in history has there been such a mass movement of people from the countryside to the city as is happening now.By the year 2030,it’s imated that more than two thirds of the world’s population will be living in cities,twice as many as today.This means that the problems faced by cities today——overcrowding,poor housing,unemployment,poverty and lack of food and water——will be twice as bad, unless we find sol-utions soon.

Another serious issue is how to provide good tran-sportation for their citizens.Many of the world’s major cities are already struggling with out-of-date transp-ortation structures.How can they deal with the addi-tional demands?

London is a good example.Its enlargement was made possible by the invention of the steam engine,which powered the world’s first underground railway.But its transport systems are now hopelessly out—of-date and need urgent modernization.London’s future success depends very much on developing better public

在历史上还从来没有任何时候能像现在这样有如此多的人从乡村迁移到城市.到2030年,预计超过世界2/3的人口将居住在城市,这是现在的两倍.这意味着当今城市所面临的问题:拥挤 住房条件差 失业 贫困 食物和水的缺乏将会严重两倍,除非我们能够尽快找到解决的办法.


